Our Objectives and Characteristics:
To enhance students’ language proficiency
- engaging students in diversified learning activities with meaningful and authentic contexts to develop their language skills in reading and writing, as well as in listening and speaking
- developing school-based writing curriculum which covers a wide variety of text types across all levels
To facilitate the development of a ‘learning to read’ and ‘reading to learn’ culture
- promoting students’ interest in reading through implementing school-based reading workshops
- providing students opportunities to read a wide range of materials with different subject content and text types to facilitate the development of a culture of ‘reading to learn’ and ‘Reading across the Curriculum’
To create an English-rich environment
- providing greater opportunities for students to use English for purposeful communication both inside and outside the classroom;
- making use of student-centred instruction to promote learner independence;
- making greater use of literary or imaginative texts to promote critical thinking
To develop students’ capabilities for self-directed and lifelong learning
- creating an IT-friendly environment for students to seek, share and use information and resources for learning as well as to interact with teachers and other students;
- making use of a range of e-resources and e-learning tools to motivate students and enhance learning and teaching effectiveness;
- using e-assessment that facilitates the understanding of students’ learning progress and the provision of feedback.